Friday, May 29, 2009

My Bowl Haircut

My mom said that my butt hair was getting too long and that I was shedding too much in the house. So, she had this smart idea of taking a pair of scissors and cutting my butt hair by herself. Well, look at what she did!! I got a bowl haircut and I look awful! I am sooo ashamed, I can't even go out in public.

It makes my butt look big too.

Sigh, my life is over now.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Hats

In honor of the Kentucky Derby, I am wearing my various hats. Don't I look smashing, like Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady? "I washed me face an' 'ands before I come, I did."

And here's another one in honor of the great Queen Elizabeth. It looks like one of her old lady hats. God Bless the Queen! Hip hip! Or whatever they say.

As Christian Siriano would say, "Don't I look fierce?!"