Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Pictures!

It's the beginning of December so my master took some Christmas pictures of me for the Christmas cards. I was supposed to be the "reindeer" and pull the sled, but she couldn't find the reindeer hat with the horns on them. I'm glad because that hat hurt my head and it makes me look ridiculous.

I sat there all patient and good because after we were finished, she promised to give me a big cookie, which she did. I love cookies. I will do anything for cookies, even pretend to be a "reindeer".

Here I am thinking, "Cooookies, I want my coookies now." Drool.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Happiest Place on Earth

My master's friend's birthday was Oct 3, so she went to the Happiest Place on Earth that day. I couldn't go because they don't let real dogs into that place. I heard that they have fake mice and dogs there though. Her friend forced her to wear a mouse hat so she brought it home and forced it onto my head too.

It says "Princess" on it and it's pink, so I like it.

Don't I look gorgeous?

FedEx Tail

We got a little notice on the door from the FedEx man because nobody was home to take the little package. My master thought it would be funny to stick the notice on my butt since I don't have a tail. She said that it was like playing "Pin the Tail on the Donkey". When I shook my butt, the notice would wiggle and she thought it was so funny. I didn't think it was that funny.

I guess it's karma because I barked at the FedEx man when he came to the door and I wasn't supposed to do that.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I got a bath today because my master said that I was getting too stinky. She washed me and even put in some conditioner in my hair to make it nice and soft. I don't like getting my face wet and I also don't like not being able to waggle my body to take the water away from my body while she's washing me. After she was all done, she told me to "Shake Shake" and I gave her my paw because that's what "Shake" means. I don't know why she kept saying it twice.

Here I am looking all wet and bedraggled after being washed. Next is the blow drying which I really love. After that, I look beautiful again. It's hard work being so pretty.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

How I Get Away From My Medicine

My master noticed that I've been shaking my head a lot and so she took me to the doctor. They found out that I had an ear infection and also some yeast infection. I thought only girls had that thing.

So, everyday, I have to put some ear medicine into my ears and I don't like it because it's cold and it feels weird. I hide under the table so she can't get to me when I see the ear drops coming out.

That's what I think about my ear medicine. Bleehhhh.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Bird Bandit

Well, the Bird Bandit had struck again and my master found another dead bird when she came home. I don't know where it came from, I swear. I was home alone all day and it must have fallen down from the sky. I had my monkey in my mouth all day so it wasn't me.

I fooled her until I started licking my chops. I couldn't help it. It reminded me of KFC except that I got the entire bird, and it was fresh. Mmmmm.....I will pray for more fallen birds.

Monday, June 29, 2009

My New Vuitton

I am sooo happy because I got a new purse today.

It's called Chewy Vuitton and it matches my coat. It also has beautiful sparkly designs in the front with diamonds and the Chewy Vuitton logo.

I am styling and I also look gooood. Paris Hilton's got nothing on me!

Friday, May 29, 2009

My Bowl Haircut

My mom said that my butt hair was getting too long and that I was shedding too much in the house. So, she had this smart idea of taking a pair of scissors and cutting my butt hair by herself. Well, look at what she did!! I got a bowl haircut and I look awful! I am sooo ashamed, I can't even go out in public.

It makes my butt look big too.

Sigh, my life is over now.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Hats

In honor of the Kentucky Derby, I am wearing my various hats. Don't I look smashing, like Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady? "I washed me face an' 'ands before I come, I did."

And here's another one in honor of the great Queen Elizabeth. It looks like one of her old lady hats. God Bless the Queen! Hip hip! Or whatever they say.

As Christian Siriano would say, "Don't I look fierce?!"

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

MTV Cribs

Hi! Welcome, MTV to my crib. I will show you around and give you a tour of where I live.

This is my doggy door that only I can get in and out of. At first, I was scared of it because it makes a big noise. But, I can go in and out all by myself now. I love this door because it leads to the kitchen, my favorite place in the house.

This is my second favorite place in the house: "THE SPOT". When my master tells me to go to my spot, this is where I go. And usually, food gets thrown at me here, so it's a special, magical place. I have my food and water bowls here, and I also get my daily bananas in the morning here at "THE SPOT".

This is my balcony overlooking the city. I pretend that I'm the king and I look down at my people. In the back towards the left is the Pacific Ocean. Awww, I can smell that salty air from my Crib. Isn't the view just "fierce"?

And, last of all, this is my bed. It's half a crate with my blankie, which is a lamb wool cover. It's soo soft and comfy. This is where I dream about my next meal...

Well, that concludes our tour of my crib. Come back again and maybe I'll show you where I pee! Haha!

Thanks, MTV for joining me at my crib. Peace!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Yogurt Face

Today was a happy day. Once a month or so my master finishes a large container of yogurt. That's a good thing because I get to lick the inside all clean!! And I am very good at that! Here I am patiently waiting. Mmmm....I can see lots of smears of yogurt in there....

I first started licking the outside edges and it was my lucky day because it was the strawberry flavor! I don't really like the "plain" flavor because it's a bit tart.

Then, I stuck my whole face into the container so that I can reach the sides and the bottom. That's a trick I learned.

Can you see the yogurt all over my face? My head is all hard and sticky now. Too bad I can't lick my own head! I can't wait until next month. I hope it's strawberry again...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dum Dum

Tonight I got to taste this new food called Dum Dums. It's this little tiny ball on top of a stick and it's sweet and comes in all different types of flavors. I tasted the Artificial Cream Soda flavor. I don't know what "Artificial" means, but it was very yummy.

Since I have never eaten this Dum Dum thing before, I didn't know how to actually eat it! I started off licking it little by little, and that was good. But I wanted more, so I put it into my mouth. My master told me that I couldn't swallow it, so I just held it into my mouth like this. I could still taste the Artificial Cream Soda flavor though.
Like a good boy, I spit it out when my master told me to drop it.

I wonder if they make a chicken liver flavor???

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Eating Birds

I was put out on the balcony for half of the day today since everybody went out and I couldn't be home alone. When my master came home in the afternoon, this is what he found:

Guess what I had for a snack today?!

Let me give you some clues: It used to fly. It used to have feathers. It used to chirp. It used to eat worms.

Not anymore!

I don't know where it went! I guess it just flew away and left half of its wing on the balcony.

Really, don't I look cute and innocent? It wasn't me, it was the one armed man. Burp.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Eating Grass

I'm an Australian Shepherd and I was bred to herd sheep. So, I guess that's why I also love to eat grass and leaves. There's a big row of some green leaves on the side of my house and I go there everyday so that I can eat them. I pull it out, then I eat the tender leaves and then I spit out the hard stems. I don't like the stems because it tastes too bitter. I heard that leaves are good for your coat and digestion, so I eat them daily so I can have a beautiful coat. Yum Yum!

Friday, January 16, 2009

My New Pillow

Today, I made a new discovery about chairs.
Since I am not allowed on any chairs in the house, I decided that there needs to be a new use for these things called "chairs".

I now use chairs as my new pillows. The chairs in the kitchen are of perfect height for me to rest my head upon when it is time for my nap. It may not look that comfortable, but you can't be too picky when you are a dog!

Here I am trying out my new pillow and I am slowly drifting off to a blissful sleep...

Here I am sleeping with my new pillow.
It's actually really comfortable and it holds my head up high when I sleep.
I can stay here forever.

Too bad there isn't a blankie nearby.

Good night...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Scary Day

Today, I got to play with my friend Icky at his house. He's half Rottweiler and half Australian Shepherd, so we're half "cousins". He's 11 years old, but he plays like a puppy. We were romping around, getting into trouble when I started to feel weird. I got dizzy and disoriented and my legs started shaking. My Master and her friend got really scared and they watched me as I tried to walk, but couldn't. My eyes started fluttering, I couldn't breathe, and my legs were like Jell-O. Finally, I couldn't stand up anymore, so I laid on the grass to put my head down. I needed to take some deep breaths and relax, and somebody brought me water, and all of a sudden, I felt much better.

I didn't know what was going on and I felt and acted all woozy. My
Master said that I was acting like I was drunk. They said that I may have hit
my head and gotten disoriented, and I could have also been dehydrated. It was a very scary day for all of us, but after drinking that water, I was all improved. It was like the part in the movie Water Boy, when Adam Sandler fell down and somebody brought him some miracle water and he got up and finished playing football. That's some refreshing H20!

Thanks for saving my life, water! I love you!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Pinkberry is Yummy

My Master loves Pinkberry and so do I. They have a new Pomegranate flavor and I was able to try it today. They also have a new topping of Pomegranate seeds, and I ate them for the first time. They were a bit tart and crunchy, but I heard that they were good for my digestion.

Here I am waiting for my release command so that I can lick up the last of the Pinkberry goodness at the bottom of the cup.

And here I am licking the bowl.

It was a very happy day, indeed.