Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dum Dum

Tonight I got to taste this new food called Dum Dums. It's this little tiny ball on top of a stick and it's sweet and comes in all different types of flavors. I tasted the Artificial Cream Soda flavor. I don't know what "Artificial" means, but it was very yummy.

Since I have never eaten this Dum Dum thing before, I didn't know how to actually eat it! I started off licking it little by little, and that was good. But I wanted more, so I put it into my mouth. My master told me that I couldn't swallow it, so I just held it into my mouth like this. I could still taste the Artificial Cream Soda flavor though.
Like a good boy, I spit it out when my master told me to drop it.

I wonder if they make a chicken liver flavor???

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