Friday, March 30, 2012

It's Banana Time!!

Every morning, my master eats a banana so I get to have some too. I know the routine and when it's banana time, I rush over to my spot so that he can throw me some banana pieces. He put the banana sticker on my head today. It says, "Chiquita" and I don't know what that means, but I know it tastes good.

Sometimes he overthrows it and it goes over my head, so it gets stuck in the golden gate. I'm scared of the golden gate because when it falls down, it makes a loud noise and I don't like loud noises. When my banana gets stuck, I stare it and somebody usually gets it for me. I'll even wait until my mommy wakes up and then I run over and stare at the banana, and she'll ask, "What are you staring at?" and she sees that it's stuck there. I'm very good at showing people what I want them to do.

I love my daily bananas.

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